Dear Reader,
In our sixth issue we would like to inform you about the following topics:
- GRANteD Project meeting
- 4th Stakeholder Committee Meeting
- Guidelines on Gender Equality Plans
- Disseminating findings from the GRANteD project
Last week a project meeting of GRANteD has taken place – still in a virtual format as the COVID-19 virus is still widespread across Europe. In the meeting we have discussed our work progress and prepared ourselves for the upcoming deadlines of important deliverables. We will submit a report on gender policy and gender risk analysis in research funding organisations and one report on gender bias in research careers based on an extensive Swedish data set. We hope to be able to publish these reports in the first half of 2022 and will update you on this in our next newsletter and via social media.
4th Stakeholder Committee Meeting
On October 21st, 2021 the 4th stakeholder committee meeting of the GRANteD Project was taking place with the focus on implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on grant funding procedures. The StC members discussed and shared experiences on how funding procedures have been adapted due to COVID-19. Helene Schiffbänker reported about different EC activities and recent publications on this topic; Florian Holzinger presented findings from the web surveys conducted among applicants of the Slovak Research and Development Agency and Helen Peterson shared some preliminary findings and hypothesis, on how COVID-19 has influenced the decision making process in panel meetings in one of the GRANteD case studies (see also latest blog post below). All stakeholders were involved in fruitful discussions - organized in break-out-sessions – regarding ongoing policies and implication for further policy design and emphasized their contribution to developing insights. We will continue this line of research in the following case studies and publish results as soon as we have more robust data and insights. We will also publish a blog post on our approach of engaging stakeholders and our experiences so far at the beginning of 2022. Stay tuned!
The next Stakeholder Committee Meeting with the focus on Gender Equality Plans will take place on January 27th 2022.
Guidelines on Gender Equality Plans
The European Commission published a “Horizon Europe Guidance on Gender Equality Plans” to support organisations with creating a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) as eligibility criterion of Horizon Europe starting 2022.
A GEP is a package of commitments and policies that aim to promote gender equality in an organisation. This GEP must comply four mandatory process-related requirements:
- The GEP has to be a formal and public document, that is signed by the senior leadership and published on the organisation`s website.
- Specific resources and expertise in gender equality are decisive for a GEP and its implementation.
- Organisations have to collect sex/ gender disaggregated data on personnel (and students), publish and monitor them on an annual basis.
- The GEP must also consider awareness-raising and training activities on gender equality.
Further, the European Commission set five recommended content-related (thematic) areas that the GEP of the organizations can contain:
- Work-life balance and organisational culture
- Gender balance in leadership and decision-making
- Gender equality in recruitment and career progression
- Integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content5. Measures against gender-based violence, including sexual harassment
We would like to inform you about our newest blog post. It is now available on our GRANteD website.
The 6 th blog post was written by Helen Peterson and Liisa Husu from Örebro University and Helene Schiffbänker and Angelika Sauer from JOANNEUM RESEARCH. The post deals with implications of COVID-19 for fair and non-biased decision-making processes in research funding. The results of a case study with a Swedish RFO showed that the shift to online meetings and the accompanying physical absence and conversation culture has created new challenges and disadvantages as well as advantages that can redirect gender bias. Three aspects of online meetings during the pandemic are viewed through a gender lens in this blog post. Click here to read the Blogpost.
If you want to catch up on the other blog posts, please click the button below.
Disseminating findings from the GRANteD project
International Research Symposium on Science Funding, October 4th and 5th 2021, Prague Czech Republic
Our GRANteD partners Peter van den Besselaar (Teresa Mom Consultancy) and Torger Möller (
German Centre for Higher Education Resarch and Science Studies (DZHW))
attended the international research symposium on “Funded and Unfunded Science: Academic Inequalities and Epistemic Gaps” hosted by Centre for Science, Technology, and Society Studies at the Czech Academy of Sciences. Peter van den Besselaar gave a keynote speach on what influences funding success (apart from merit). Torger Möller talked on the impact of research independence on funding decisions. Find more information on the symposium here.
New paper in Journal of Informetrics, Volume 15, Issue 3, August 202
Our GRANteD partners Laura Cruz-Castro and Luis Sanz-Menendez (Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)) published in the Journal of Informetrics, Volume 15, Issue 3, August 2021, a paper on gender and evaluation criteria in funding assessment processes. The article addresses the preference for evaluation criteria for tenure and promotion by female and male academics employed at Spanish universities. Find the paper here.
The GRANteD consortium wishes you a nice winter season ❄❄❄!