Dear Reader,
In our seventh issue, we would like to inform you about the following topics:
- Presentation on Narrative CVs
- Disseminations from the GRANteD project
- Upcoming dissemination events
On March 25th the second periodic review meeting took place. The GRANteD team has presented the progress of the project implementation since March 2020 and discussed important issues with the Project Officer (PO) and the expert reviewer. The PO and the reviewer were very interested in the outcomes of the second reporting period and satisfied with the progress and achievements. We would like to take the opportunity to thank also our members of the stakeholder committee and advisory board who contribute to the progress and success of the project significantly.
Presentation on Narrative CVs
Helene Schiffbänker from GRANteD attended the DORA Workshop on February 17th 2022, which focused on objectives for the use of narrative CV formats in grant evaluation. She talked about the use of the narrative CV format at Science Foundation Ireland and how applicants rate the new CV format with respect to recognition of their achievements and their chances to receive funding. The Narrative CV format is a detailed text in essay form that allows to communicate personal decisions, goals and motivations.
First findings from the applicant survey, which was conducted among applicants of the SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme 2020 call, are the following (see also graph bellow):
- The narrative CV is generally appreciated. 62% of applicants find the new format helpful in presenting their achievements.
- Female applicants are more likely to find the new CV format beneficial.
- Successful female applicants often feel that the narrative CV format has increased their chances of being funded.
- A large proportion of male applicants said they "couldn't say" what impact the new CV format had on the funding decision.
The 7th blog post was written by Helene Schiffbänker from JOANNEUM RESEARCH. It deals with co-creation as relevant tool for stakeholder involvement. The co-creation method is used in the Stakeholder Committee Meetings of the GranteD project and embraces mutual learning and consultation in order to better understand the risks and challenges for gender equality policies in RFOs. RFOs deliver inputs for the data collection instruments of the GRANteD project and reflect research findings in the light of their experiences as practitioners. They bring in very different perspectives, as members represent a variety of (science) cultures, different positions within RFOs as well as different levels of gender awareness.
The following graph shows, how co-creation works in the GRAnteD project:
Disseminations from the GRANteD project
New paper in Journal of GAPP, Volume 26, July 2021
Our GRANteD partner Laura Cruz-Castro (Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)) published in the Journal of GAPP, Volume 26, July 2021, a paper on gender differences and gender bias in research funding. The paper critically reviews the literature on gender disparities and gender bias in research funding, acknowledging diverse findings and emphasizing the need for conceptual clarification and methodological rigor.
Upcoming dissemination events
20th Annual STS Conference 2022 I 02.-04.05.2021 I Graz, Austria
„Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies“ is the joint Annual Conference of the Science Technology and Society Unit of the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science of the Technical University of Graz, the Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ) and the Institute for Advanced Studies of Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS). Read more here
The GRANteD consortium wishes you a nice spring time 🌷🌷🌷!