Dear Reader,
In our ninth issue, we would like to inform you about the following topics:
-GRANteD Feedback Workshop with SFI
-7th GRANteD Stakeholder Conference Meeting
-Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA)
-Latest deliverables from the GRANteD project
-Latest dissemination activities
-Upcoming dissemination activities
GRANteD Feedback Workshop with SFI
First findings and conclusions from WP5, WP6 and WP7 of the GRANteD project regarding the Frontiers for Future Programme (FFP) have been presented and discussed with the SFI (Ireland) in a Feedback Workshop on October 17th 2022. The findings are based on the analysis of the policy documents of the FFP, analysis of the qualitative interviews conducted with staff members of the SFI, with remote reviewers and panellists from the FFP, as well as observations of FFP panel meetings and on the analysis of the online-survey distributed among applicants. The Feedback-Workshop was very well received, all participants showed a great interest in the results and participated actively in the discussion. A next step will be to develop tailored recommendations for the SFI on the basis of the findings and the discussion of the feedback workshop.
7th GRANteD Stakeholder Conference Meeting
On October 20th, 2022 the 7th stakeholder committee meeting of the GRANteD Project was taking place in an online format. It focused on the applicant surveys. First findings from a compiled dataset of all 5 applicant surveys were presented and it was explored whether specific characteristics of applicants can explain funding success. The meeting was interactively organised with a short presentation of findings at the start and then discussion rounds in breakout rooms. In the breakout rooms small groups of participants discussed, how RFOs could stimulate (career) support for applicants to widen the pool of applicants. Opinions differed in this regard. Some participants commented that RFOs cannot interfere with the autonomy of universities. Other representatives from RFOs argued, that RFOs should use all communication levels to make potential applicants aware of support available. Yet it could depend on how the assessment process is organized and in which way RFOs can provide support. All stakeholders were involved in fruitful discussions.
The next Stakeholder Committee Meeting with the focus on further findings from WP7 will take place on January 19th 2023.
Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA)
In January 2022 the process of drafting an Agreement on reforming research assessment was initiated (see also the CoARA homepage). Through a co-creation process more than 350 organisations from over 40 countries were involved and provided feedback (e.g. public and private research funders, universities, research centres, institutes and infrastructures, associations and alliances, national and regional authorities). The agreement itself was prepared by a team composed of representatives from the European University Association (EUA), Science Europe, the European Commission, and Dr Karen Stroobants, in her individual capacity as consultant with expertise in research on research. The CoARA agreement process looked as follows:
The Agreement on reforming research assessment builds on 10 commitments and sets a shared direction for changes in assessment practices for research, researchers and research performing organisations. The overarching goal is to maximise fairness, quality and impact of research. Commitment 2 especially emphasises that peer review processes are designed to meet the fundamental principles of rigor and transparency also with regard to gender, equality and diversity and demands that biases to which any method is prone should be addressed by the research community by re-assessing and improving peer review processes. For further information visit the CoARA homepage.
Latest deliverables from the GRANteD project
In the last months two deliverables from two different work packages (WP3 and WP5) have been submitted. Both deliverables are scientific papers that will be published soon in scientific journals. One paper discusses how grants impact careers using large-scale longitudinal analysis of gender disparities in science careers; the other paper takes a closer look how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the decision making process of RFOs.
You can find all public deliverables of the GRANteD poject here.
New blog post: “The making of a professor: a multi-register large-scale survival analysis of gender disparities in medical science and natural science”
Research grants are, in many countries, a necessary part of the academic career. Receiving a grant affirms previous work and enables new endeavours. In his blog post Ulf Sandström from Forskningspolitik raises the questions: to what extent do research grants influence careers in research, and to what extent do we find gender disparities in the allocation of grants and consequently in promotions within academia? To explore these questions a data set of 2,727 researchers with Swedish PhD-dissertations from 1985 to 1994 in the medical or natural sciences faculty areas were analysed. The careers of these PhD graduates were followed until 2020 forming a unique data set. Findings show that there might be a possible gender bias in grant allocation in the area of natural sciences, but not in the promotion to professor. In contrast, in medical science, no significant gender disparities were evident.
The full blog post is available on the GRANteD Website.
Latest dissemination activities
26th STI Conference | September 7th – 9th 2022 | Granada, Spain
Our GRANteD partners Peter van den Besselaar and Charlie Mom (Teresa Mom Consultancy) as well as Torger Möller (DZHW) attended the International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, STI 2022, in Granada, Spain. They presented three papers: One on “Factors influencing the academic career - an event history analysis”, one on “What is researcher independence and how can it be measured?” and one on “Identifying gender stereotyping in evaluation reports: a linguistic analysis”.
Upcoming dissemination activities
GRANteD Feedback Workshop with SRDA | November 04th 2022 |online
First findings and conclusions from WP5, WP6 and WP7 of the GRANteD project regarding the General Call (GC) will be discussed together with the SRDA (Slovakia) in a Feedback Workshop on November 04th 2022. The findings are based on the analysis of the policy documents of the SRDA, analysis of the qualitative interviews conducted with staff members of the SRDA, with external reviewers and council members from the SRDA as well as on the analysis of the online-survey distributed among applicants.
The GRANteD consortium wishes you a wonderful autumn 🍂🍂🍂 !