GRANteD has investigated the existence and emergence of gender bias in the decision-making processes of research funding and scientific careers over the past few years. In doing so, we have learned a great deal about the various evaluation and decision-making processes in research funding and the impact of grants on scientific career trajectories, information that is highly applicable to other contexts of the research system like research assessment processes or inclusive research cultures. GRANteD explored these topics through a variety of case studies, looked at this from the perspective of different methods and data, and were able to generate diverse and intriguing results.
Now is the time to present these results publicly and discuss their significance for various stakeholders in the research system.
Therefore, we invite you cordially to participate in the 2nd GRANteD Stakeholder Conference:
Analysing gender bias in research funding –
October 19th & 20th, 2023
Find more information and the preliminary agenda on our Website
We would be delighted to welcome you to join our discussion of research results in Vienna. If you cannot travel to Vienna, you will have the opportunity to follow the event via live stream. Although this will not allow you to participate actively in the discussion, we are very interested to receive your feedback, questions, and comments, and we will provide you with means to engage in discussions and feedback rounds.
Please note that the participation in the event is free of charge, but that the attendance at the in-person event is limited to 80 persons. Registering in advance will ensure that you can participate in Vienna in person.
You may sign up for either the in person event or the online event by clicking here:
At this event, identifiable photographs, video, and/or audio recording may be taken und used for an unlimited period of time by JOANNEUM RESEARCH’s public relations department for all media channels (e.g. website, social media, press). The recordings could be provided to the media for reporting on this event, and they may publish recordings for an unlimited period of time. By participating in this event, you expressly consent to the recording’s processing, editing, and publication for the aforementioned purposes. You may revoke this declaration in writing at any given time. This revocation applies only to future publications, not to those that have already taken place.
Phone: +43 (0) 1 522 71 43
In order to be able to guarantee a sustainable and responsible event organisation, we ask you to cancel your registration if you are not attending. Thank you for your understanding!
The GRANteD consortium wishes you a great summer time ☀️ ☀️ ☀️!
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JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Leonhardstraße 59 A-8010 Graz