Dear Reader,
thank you for your interest in our work and for subscribing to the GRANteD Newsletter!
Since this is our first issue, we are especially excited to inform you about:
- The GRANteD Stakeholder Conference
- Recent activities & recommendations
We are invinting you to take part in our first conference!
In this conference, we will start discussing and building capacities for a more gender fair research funding system. In the course of this conference we would like to examine the status quo of gender (in)equalities as well as potential bias in grant allocation processes and research careers. We are also going to present the conceptual framework of GRANteD Project and exchange ideas on related issues and further steps.
We are very much looking forward to your participation!
Gender Gap in Research Funding
It has been 20 years since the European Commission adopted its first communication on Women in Science. In the meantime, a lot of effort has been made to foster gender equality but still inequalities in research and academia remain. Starting from the latest data from She Figures we discuss different success rates for men and women.
Enjoy our first Blog Post!
Project Sterling Group Meeting in Berlin
September 25th - 27th 2019
In our second meeting the consortium came together with members of the scientific advisory board to discuss the project's framework and further steps for our research. We were pleased to meet advisory board members Renata Siemieńska from the University of Warsaw, Monica Gaughan from Arizona State University and Vinciane Gaillard from the European University Association in person, to exchange ideas and have fruitful discussions.
Previous Conference Contributions
Recognition through performance and reputation
The P-model: An indicator that accounts for field adjusted production as well as field normalized citation impact
Performance of Research Teams: results from 107 European groups
The glass ceiling to full professorship and availability of qualified job candidates
GEARING-Roles, a multidisciplinary consortium of 10 European academic and non-academic partners that targets traditional gender roles and works towards institutional change has announced their first conference on recruitment, retention and career progression of women in academia. It will take place in Lisbon on November 27. Deadline for submitting a Poster Submission: 30th October, 2019. Find more information about the conference and registration here.
EFFORTI is a novel framework that enables a wide range of stakeholders - ministries, funding agencies, programme owners, equality officers etc. - to conduct a sound and comprehensive evaluation of the gender equality but also research and innovation outputs, outcomes and impacts of gender equality (GE) measures. Access the EFFORTI Toolbox 2.0 here (link). Access the EFFORTI Toolbox 2.0 here.