GRANteD @ 23rd Gender Summit in Ghana
Helene Schiffbänker virtually attended the 23rd Gender Summit hosted by Ghana. She talked about assessing gender in research and innovation (GiRI). The programme of the Gender summit, which will be also in-person on the 8th-9th of June in Accra, Ghana, can be found here.
New paper published on Gender and Underrepresented Minority Differences in Research Funding
Laura Cruz-Castro and Luis Sanz-Menendez from the GRANteD project just published together with Donna K. Ginther from the University of Kansas a paper reviewing the data and literature on gender, race and ethnicity differences in research funding in the United States and Europe. If you are interested in reading it, you can download it here.
GRANteD @DORA Workshop on “Using Narrative CVs: Identifying shared objectives and monitoring effectiveness“
The DORA Workshop took place on February 17 2022 and focused on objectives for the use of narrative CV formats in grant evaluation. Helene Schiffbänker from GRANteD attended the Workshop and talked about the use of the narrative CV format at Science Foundation Ireland and how applicants rate the new CV format with respect to recognition of their achievements and their chances to receive funding.
GRANteD @STS Conference Graz: “Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies”
The 19th Annual STS Conference Graz 2021 took place in a virtual format between the 3rd and 5th of May. Helene Schiffbänker and Liisa Husu from the GRANteD project talked on European research funding organizations as change agents for gender equality in research.
Käthe Leichter State Award for Women’s and Gender Studies and for Equality in the World of Work
Helene Schiffbänker received the Austrian Käthe-Leichter award for her research and consultancy activities in national and international projects with a proven gender research perspective.

GRANteD @International Virtual Workshop: “Analyzing Gender, Practices and Social Change”
On the 14th and 15th of January 2021 the Institute for Political Science from the University Tübigen hosted an interdisciplinary workshop on “Analyzing Gender, Practices and Social Change”. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, it took place in a virtual format. Helene Schiffbänker from the GRANteD project talked on ‘practices’ in peer review panels as factor for social change, which will be also analysed in the case studies of the 5 core RFOs in the GRANteD project.

GRANteD @International Virtual Conference: “Gender equality in CEE countries: Policies and practices 2020″
Florian Holzinger attended the international conference “Gender equality in CEE countries: Policies and practices 2020” hosted by the Lithuanian Social Research Centre in cooperation with Vilnius University on 12th and 13th of November 2020 . Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, it took place in a virtual format. He talked on the complexity of GEP implementation in research performing and funding organisations (find the presentation here).

1. GRANteD Stakeholder Conference @Vienna
On February 24th the first GRANteD stakeholder Conference took place in Vienna. You can find a detailed summary here.
The preliminary Program for the GRANteD Conference (February 24 2020 – Vienna) is now online: GRANteD Conference Program
GRANteD @ Gender Summit17 3-4 October 2019, Amsterdam

2nd Meeting @ Berlin
From September 25th to September 27th 2019 the Project Sterling Group (Consortium, SAB, StC) met in Berlin to discuss the next steps.
GRANteD @ ISSI 19 Conference 2-5 September 2019, Rome
Here are some impressions from the GRANteD presentations at the conference of the International Society for Informetrics and Scientometrics
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GRANteD @ EU-SPRI 5 – 7 June 2019, Rome
Peter van den Besselaar and Florian Holzinger presented results on gender bias in ERC starting Grants at the #EUSPRI2019.
The GRANteD project builds in this result and will take the discussion on gender bias in research funding forward.

We are all excited that our project coordinator, Helene Schiffbänker, gave a great introduction to GRANteD at #STSgraz2019 yesterday: Spreading the word!

KICK OFF @ Vienna : GRANteD has officially started!
The Project Consortium had its first meeting in Vienna from 20st – 22nd of March 2019.
After months of preparation everybody was excited to finally get started and to discuss the next steps of the research project. Members of the European Commission participated in the meeting and provided relevant input on how to deal with upcoming challenges.